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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Geometry Corner :: Octagon Measurements

So recently in making some levels for a game (for fun), I encountered the need to create octagonal shapes. I started thinking about the regular octagon. So here I'll go over some requirements for one and a way to breakdown its make-up, the subsequent creation of related formulas, and measurements. 
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In the below slide set, I go over the basics of octagonal geometry, followed by logic that can be taken from it, and then establishing various formulae, followed by included their simplification. It is algebra-intensive, but feel free to follow along with a pen and paper. Write down what is known, and see if you can create the crude formula, followed by simplifying it as much as you can.

Simplifying math functions is pretty fun. Each successive move and step toward simplification is only a different way to present the exact same function. Decreasing its size also assists in making less mistakes and builds a less-intimidating formula.

Math functions and Algebra play significant roles in Computer Programming in addition to learning and understanding the sciences. Click here for my Octagon Calculator, published on my GitHub page. I employed these very formulas in making linked.

Thanks for reading!

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